Saturday, 2 February 2013

Cake and Community Philosophy

Following my community philosophy facilitator training I thought I'd set up a lunchtime group (fuelled by cake) to explore all of this a bit further.

I did try to come up with a witty acronym (CuPcake) - not that witty actually - then spent some time wondering if it is a club, society or group, which was equally unproductive...

Still, all this is evidence that I have actually been thinking, which bodes well for a philosophy group! Here are the details of the next meeting:

Cake and Philosophy Club

Friday 3rd May 2013, 1230-1330
The Light, Leeds

The aim of this group is to explore the practice of community philosophy, improving our critical thinking skills and gaining new ideas for facilitation along the way. It is open to anyone who would like to deepen their own thinking and that of others, have some fun and make some new contacts.

This session will explore the concept of community philosophy and try out a community enquiry.

Cake will be provided to fuel our thinking. Please feel free to bring a drink along with you (there are plenty of coffee shops nearby).

If you'd like to come along and find out what this stuff is all about, please contact me via Twitter - @KaySocLearn or email

We look forward to seeing you there. If you want to find out more about community philosophy in the meantime, my previous blog should fill you in.