Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The reflective teacher - 30 day blog challenge, day 2

Today's post is about use of technology in education.

One of my frustrations last year was about the reluctance of fellow educators, colleagues and students to engage with the amazing array of free tech out there. The benefits of online personal learning networks and tech for learning are huge, and I struggled to see why people didn't want to take advantage of them.

What I conveniently overlooked was the fact that I used to work in IT and took my confidence in this area completely for granted. I'd be mortified if others were frustrated by my lack of confidence in other areas (of which there are many :) - so one of my aims this year is to be more patient and have empathy - and work harder at helping others to gain confidence and find out what suits them (without doing things for them, of course!)

Personally, I want to achieve the following:

- explore Open Badges further and use them in my practice
- investigate some of the less well-known tools like Feedly and Padlet which the fabulous Ruth (@TheRehn) has told me about
- consider whether the online Community of Praxis network, which works so brilliantly in Teacher Education could work with other groups that I work with, such as elected Members
- continue to bang the drum about the joys of Twitter, Yammer, Google + and other tools as we move into the post-Feltag and an increasingly digital world.

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