Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Jumping on the blimage band-wagon

Emerging from my post-holiday torpor and catching up with Twitter, I spotted the new blimage hash tag.  Blimage is the idea of bloggers Amy Burvall and Steve Wheeler, and it's simple but brilliant. The process is simple; you start by choosing an image (it can be as random as you like) and then challenge a fellow blogger to write a post about it.  This would be generally education-related but I'm expanding it (hope this is ok Steve!) to include creative writing, too.

I've long been a massive fan of blogging and encourage my teacher trainees to use this medium for their reflective journals.  There is something about writing for the wider world that encourages greater reflexivity; thinking becomes clearer, writing has greater objectivity; wider themes and issues are drawn in.  It is also (and most importantly), good fun.

So here is my image for my fellow bloggers, colleagues and friends.  I challenge you to have a go and then share your post using the hash tag #blimage.  Don't forget to challenge others too, using your own images!

And for further information and lots of great other posts to follow, check out the links below:


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